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Tips for Travelling with Children


Traveling with your family for the first time can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. It gets easier with time, but be prepared to run into a few challenges any time you travel with children.

The two things that will ensure a family trip goes smoothly are being prepared and knowing what you are getting into. However, there are lots of little hacks that can make your trip better too.

Here are the tips we think are the most useful and easiest to carry out when traveling with children.


1. Plan and Leave Plenty of Time


Before taking a trip, plan every detail. Take time to research the weather, food, and other information while choosing the destination. While traveling with your family, everything will take longer than required. So be prepared for delays while:

Checking in at the airport

Getting through security

Boarding the plane

Make sure to get to the airport, bus, or train station early and leave plenty of time for things to go wrong. Missing your flight or train due to security delays is the last thing you’d want. Rescheduling flights and unhappy children are not the best together.

Point to note:

Keep your schedule flexible and leave ample time for adjustment. A flexible schedule means less stress for you and your family and a happier trip overall.


2. Don’t Overpack


Parents generally want to pack everything children use at home. Bringing familiar items will keep your routines consistent and the child happy. Unfortunately, this is a bad idea. After a long day of travel, there is a good chance you will have to carry at least one child, so you don’t want to be carrying luggage, too.

Instead, pack as little as possible. The act of traveling itself will change from the usual routines, so trying to keep up isn’t going to work. It will just lead to sore arms and lots of annoyance.

Point to note:

The less you bring, the easier it is to pack, the less you have to carry, and the more room you have to carry back from your holiday.


3. Pre-Book Everything You Can


Journey with children, long or short, be quite challenging. When you arrive at your destination, all you’ll want to do is head straight to the place you have booked, drop off bags, and get some rest for all.

Pre-booking isn’t just about booking travel and lodging. It is about booking anything ahead of time. It means you have one thing less on your list to worry about, all while keeping the children entertained and happy.

You can book transportation, tickets for theme parks, museums, and other tourist attractions, sightseeing tours, and more ahead of time. It will help you have more time to relax and enjoy your holiday better.

Point to note:

Pre-booking will help you cut down on many hassles.



4. Explain the Trip


Before taking a trip:

  • Introduce the children to the trip in advance.
  • Talk to them about what they can expect during travel.
  • Explain what a bus or train station or an airport looks like.
  • Tell them how they should behave on a bus or train or plane, in hotels, or on tour.

It is essential for first-time travelers.

Uncomfortable children mean unhappy children, and that also means trouble.

Giving the children an overview of the trip can help them understand their situation at every step of the journey. When they know what to expect next, they will be more comfortable with their surroundings.

Point to note:

Once your children know the basics of the trip, they will be more understanding. So while you focus on the logistics, they are happy, comfortable, and excited about the trip.


5. Carry snacks with you


Children and hunger go hand in hand. The last thing you want is cranky, angry, and hungry children on vacation. Make sure you take along a few snacks when you are on tour. Mealtimes could be delayed due to unexpected traffic or delayed transportation, or even a tour that went longer than expected. In a situation like this, keeping snacks handy always helps. Carrying extra snacks is excellent not just for children but also for adults.

Point to note:

Carrying some small and easily transportable snacks with you can always keep everyone cheerful until you can refuel.


6. Give Children Your Contact Information


With children on a trip, there is a high probability that the child may get lost, despite your best efforts. Make sure you have your contact information with the child so that you can be reached in a situation like this. Make sure to provide younger children with a small notebook or a little card with your information around their belt or shoes. Ensure your child knows where to find it. Include details like your name, contact number, email address, and local address. Help older children memorize your phone number and email address.

Point to note:

Make sure children have your contact when they travel.


7. Travel With Basic Medicines


A sick family member on a trip can be annoying for everyone. Even worse is a family who has fallen ill. Allergies or a bad stomach are most common when you travel. Make sure to carry essential medication so that you can provide some relief as quickly as possible.

It’s always a great idea to take a few over-the-counter medications your family might require while traveling. Over-the-counter medications generally include medicines for headaches, allergies, stomach upsets, and motion sickness. If you need prescription medicines, make sure to keep a copy of the prescription from your doctor.

Point to note:

Carry basic medication and a first aid kit, it always helps.


8. Carry relevant documentation


While on a family trip, make sure to keep all your documentation in order and in one place. Keeping paperwork in order will cut down a lot of hassles, especially if you are traveling overseas.

Every trip with children will bring about new learning. There are no fixed rules here. The best tip for traveling with children is to get out there and experience it. Things might not go as planned, and it is okay.

New experiences open up a child’s mind, and it also helps the family bond well. Everything you do will be a memorable experience. While things won’t entirely be easy but by following these simple tips, your hassles will be a lot lesser, and you can enjoy a decent family vacation.

Here’s wishing you Happy travels!

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