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Indian Parenting: Common Mistakes and Solutions


When it comes to raising their children, Indian parents always take more responsibilities. Parents provide all of their lives, for their children.

When observing western countries, you frequently observe how parents help their children become independent after a certain age and enjoy living separate lives. While you may strive to be the ideal parent to ensure your child’s healthy development and well-being, there are some errors you may make unintentionally that could have a significant negative effect.

Parenting can be challenging, particularly if you are concerned that you won’t do things correctly. You will still make parenting errors since you are only human. Recognize that you are not only committing mistakes, almost all parents make an error. If you know what to look for, you can prevent a few common parenting errors. You will be one step closer to becoming a more effective parent by learning to avoid these typical parenting blunders. In this post, you can see about Indian parenting and their common mistakes and solutions:

Lack of communication

Indian parents and their kids don’t communicate well at all. Most parenting issues are brought on by the communication gap between parents and children. Most parents foster an environment where their kids are forbidden from discussing their feelings and emotions in public. The majority of kids claim that they can’t communicate with their parents. The result is a generational divide between the child and the parent. It becomes challenging to overcome this obstacle. With time, this disparity continues to widen.


When children grow up, they do not recognize the need to close this gap. They begin looking for someone outside with whom they can have an honest conversation when they feel unheard at home. Most issues with parent-child relationships will go away if Indian parents can foster an environment of open communication.

Stop comparing your children

Every child has a highly negative perception of them due to their parents’ constant comparison-making and demotivation of them. Every parent in India has the bad habit of contrasting their child’s accomplishments with those of others. They don’t care about the child’s efforts, and instead, they are more worried about losing the competition. If your children receive a poor grade and you inquire about their classmate’s grades, you have created a comparison and should be reprimanded. It is improper to treat your kids in this manner. Children will start to lose their self-confidence if you compare them to other kids.


You see, it is that easy to comprehend and enjoy your child’s performance without involving other children. Each kid has some good points and bad points. If you can identify your child’s strengths as a parent, focus on those instead of bringing up their flaws. Your child may be excellent in English but struggle with math. The math champion might have trouble with English, though. It is useless to compare your child with other children.

Overprotecting your child 

Indian parents are, without a doubt, the most protective parents. Being worried and caring about your child is only normal when you are a parent. A circle in which you constantly watch your kids to make sure they don’t do anything wrong. Indecisive and very unstable children are raised by their parents. When you become overly protective, you begin defending your child in conflicts. Protecting kids is fine, but those struggles are intended for them. They won’t learn anything about life if you continually watch out for them.


Allowing your child to live life on their terms can help them grow up to be independent and self-assured. In essence, you handle their issues, influence their choices, and keep them in view. Children, however, have no idea what to do when they grow up and relocate for employment or school. You can weaken your child by overprotecting them. Since you have been guarding them for so long, they now venture forth in search of someone who can assist them.

Parents never apologize 

Nowadays, people are never willing to own their errors or offer an apology. People would prefer to make up an excuse for someone else than own up to their own mistakes. However, one aspect of poor parenting is what has contributed to the way they are now. You know, even when they were in error, your parents never expressed regret to you. They would make a mistake but try to make up for it by doing something else. They got the impression that since your parents are older and they don’t need to feel bad. Therefore, when you become a parent, you treat your kids the same way.


Everyone still follows this custom because they still think parents should never apologize to their children. You must own your mistakes and express your remorse, even if you are parents or adults older than children. An apology is necessary because errors are errors. If parents own their errors, rather than shrinking their children’s eyes, they gain even more respect.

Not listening to their child

Even if you are a parent or older than children, you should acknowledge your mistakes and express your regret. Take some time to hear what they have to say, dear parents. It is essential to help kids feel appreciated. No matter how unimportant it may seem, they should take it seriously if something is genuinely upsetting them. Try to hear what they have to say whenever they approach you rather than immediately offering a solution.


You know that relationships are a foundation for accountability, problem-solving, respect, and cooperation. Your children will become frustrated and shut down if you only listen to them to fix, criticize, instruct, and solve problems. As an alternative, accept their emotions and let your kids express themselves. Overall, they will feel much better.

Not letting your child explore

By seeing your face, recognizing your facial expressions, and gradually coming to understand you, they can fathom how you must feel as your child grows. Even when your infant develops into a preteen, your child learns everything through play. They consequently end up wounded or bruised. But they shouldn’t let that discourage them from venturing out.


Please stop overprotecting your child. Otherwise, they won’t be eager to attempt new things or make mistakes and learn from them. Let kids experiment, whether it is in sports or different academic areas.

Screaming parents

The parent who eventually screams and yells at their child frequently behaves out of extreme weariness and anger. Despite being understandable, losing your temper is not going to have a beneficial impact on your child’s conduct. Your child will learn that you are not in charge if you engage in verbal altercations, call people names, or make threats. This also implies that your authority is in danger. It seems as though you have temporarily descended to your child’s level in terms of behavior. The parent engaged in this unproductive parenting method may even find themselves defending their actions. Because by pointing out their parent’s bad behavior, children may easily draw attention away from their behavioral issues.


The yelling parent has to develop better coping mechanisms for their anger and displeasure. You all occasionally crack when you are exhausted or overwrought. It comes with a parental package. But unless you learn to control your own anger, your child is unlikely to regard you as the level-headed parent they need to rein in their own behavior.


You must hold your children accountable for their conduct, but there are far more effective alternatives. There are much better methods to achieve this than using punishment and terror, especially if the punishment is corporal. According to research, the punishment could have a wide range of negative effects. The effect is only temporary since frequently disciplined children will only obey their parent’s orders and requests out of fear.


Punishment can have a harmful impact on your relationship and connection with your kids over time. It can also make them more resentful and violent. In many circumstances, it teaches kids to lie in order to escape punishment in the future. So refrain from punishing them and extend forgiveness.

Reassuring the children

It seems like a normal desire on the part of parents to reassure their kids that everything will be fine. For instance, it is normal to want to swoop in and try to reassure your kids and fix the problem for them if they break their favorite toy. You could say, to your kid that you hate to see them so angry since they broke their favorite toy, don’t worry, and you will buy them another one. While you may believe that by doing this, you are assisting, the truth is that you are preventing kids from dealing with their emotions.


These are essential life skills that will help kids get ready for the responsibilities of adulthood. Children need to have the opportunity to practice patience, become accustomed to feeling sadness, and frustrations, and be permitted to learn from their mistakes.


Finally, the above listed are about Indian parenting and their common mistakes and solutions. These are the typical mistakes parents make when parenting, and if you follow the advice given above, you will practice effective parenting and foster positive relationships with your children.


Are you a parent constantly facing any of these problems or not able to identify your exact problems? Crispminds can help you identify, understand and overcome your struggles in parenting. Contact us

1 thought on “Indian Parenting: Common Mistakes and Solutions”

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