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Parenting Tools for Effective Parenting

Being a good parent is quite challenging, but it can be easy with the right tools. These essential parenting tools can help parents make their children successful. You can implement them regularly at your work and with your family and child.
Following is the list of five essential parenting tools for effective parenting:



Modeling is a tool where one learns through observation. Modeling parenting tool is the one in which you can teach your child how to expect him to behave. It simply means that if you want your child to behave in a certain way, you will have first to keep your behaviour in check. It helps not only children but also us to become better people. For example, if you do not want your child to waste their time on screen, you will also have to limit your screen time. You have to become your child’s role model.



Parents can communicate with their children in not one but many ways. Communication is a tool that helps in building your relationship stronger. There are various types of communication tools available to parents. But, first, you must know that communication is essential. It would help if you communicated every day with your child both non-verbally and verbally. Non-verbally communication includes smiles and hugs. Verbal communication includes asking about their day at school or college, etc.


We all know discipline is required in everyone’s life, whether children or adults. Discipline is not about punishment. Discipline is a way to handle your children and help them make the right choices. It is a necessary part of parenting, but it is something that parents do not enjoy. For example, set screen time, play, and even study time.


A parent should not hesitate to seek help if they cannot solve a particular problem. Multitasking is something that most parents learn hands-on. Having more than one child could mean being extra attentive keeping dealing with multiple issues at any given time.
Some are fantastic in their jobs as they can multitask. It could be mainly in the case when you have more than one child. For example, if your children are fighting or having difficulty in studying or issues in school, you must know how to deal with it.

Family Traditions 

Family traditions as a parenting tool are equally important as those mentioned above. We usually take family traditions for granted. You can help your child to learn about family traditions and their importance. Your child will have the ability to love and have good character if they have a sense of belonging. With this tool, you can help your child learn and use family traditions, for example, eating meals together or not using mobile phones during mealtime. In this way, they will be spending less time on mobile phones and spending more time with family.

Crispminds for parents

Crispminds being India’s first parent tech platform aims to ensure stress-free parenting through effective parenting methods. We follow the rule  “learn, adapt, and excel“. Crispminds focused on helping mums and dads identify the stress areas and help them find the root cause of it.

How Crispminds can benefit you

  • Learn from specialized courses curated for parents.
  • Learn from parenting experts.
  • Identify your stress level as a parent.
  • Keep a track of your improvements to analyze your progress.
  • Download Crispmind’s app on android & ios

Final Thoughts

Parenting tools are another way of teaching the child ways of life. Parenting is learning on the job scenario. There are no right or wrong answers here.

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