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Bond with your baby

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Want to develop a close bond with your baby? For most women, the process of creating a bond with a new baby comes naturally. It is normal to consider how to attach to your child as you move into motherhood. Despite your awareness of its significance, it can be scary. As you think about bonding with your baby, you should remember that you are not alone.

Attachment and bonding are essential for your baby’s growth. Your baby receives the warmth, love, and care they require through attachment and bonding. By doing this, you build yourself as a special and trusted presence in your child’s life. It will create the basis for your child’s growth and welfare throughout childhood if your baby views the world as a secure place to play, learn, and explore. According to experts, the connection that grows between the two during this period not only establishes the tone for their entire relationship but also contributes to the future mental and physical health of the child for many years to come. To create such a pleasing bond, you can consider the below listed 20 ways to bond with your baby:

How bonding helps children?

When you and your newborn feel an unbreakable affection and attachment for one another, this is called bonding. You not need to be worried if it takes weeks or months for some mothers to experience it after the birth of their child. 

When you were pregnant, you probably had dreams about the first time you would hold your cute newborn and how your body would be overcome with love, how you would feel an immediate need to shield them, and how you would both be encircled by heavenly choirs of angels sounding trumpets. However, maybe not the trumpets. 

Most of you may imagine that wonderful first moment of pure bonding with your newborn, and while some mothers do experience that from day one, many others don’t. You should not forget your partner because it is just as important for them to form a connection with the child.

  1. Skin-to-skin contact

As soon as you can after the birth, you can hold your baby close and place your skin next to your baby to begin the bonding process. It would be ideal if you could complete this in 30 minutes while being calm and comfortable. However, it is not always simple on a busy ward, and some mothers cannot do this if they have a Caesarean section or their baby requires special care. So you no need to get upset if you cannot do this. Ask your mother or doctor to inform you as soon as possible.

  1. Babywearing

Newborns enjoy being kept close to their parents, whether in a sling, wrap, or carrier, especially in the first 3 to 6 months of life. They enjoy seeing and smelling you constantly and find that your heartbeat and movement help them relax. In addition, while they are nearby, it is simple to attend to their needs.

  1. Read stories before bedtime

Bedtime is a wonderful opportunity for unbroken bonding with your baby. For instance, cuddling up with your baby under a thick blanket is a great relaxation method. Create a bedtime routine that includes reading your baby bedtime stories to get the most out of the time spent in bed.

Your voice is incredibly comforting to your baby and reading them a bedtime tale works wonders to put them to sleep. Your baby’s cognitive, physical, and even social skills can all be improved by reading bedtime stories to them. In addition to these advantages, reading to your baby gives them a sense of security, worth, and uniqueness. This increases their self-esteem, which is important for adapting to separation.

  1. Spend time with your child

You may have other household responsibilities in addition to being a working parent. But this does not mean that you should ignore the baby. You must convey to your baby that you value his well-being and spend quality time with him. Make sure you give your child enough time each day. Moreover, you should make it a point to take your child for relaxed walks or coffee dates on the weekends, as this will improve your bond.

  1. Chat and smile

Do you think your baby will understand your chat and smile? No, they won’t be able to understand you, but your baby will already be familiar with your voice and according to a study, even newborns can recognize a smile. So begin by touching their cheek, going in close, smiling, talking, and singing.

  1. Hustle out the visitors

When the environment is peaceful and relaxed, and you have time to focus entirely on your baby, bonding occurs. Ask your partner to act as the bouncer if you return home from the hospital to discover that a never-ending stream of well-meaning guests has overtaken your home.

  1. Get a head start

Early flutters in your womb are the first signs of bonding. Think of your baby’s little kicks and motions as the beginnings of his personality emerging as the baby matures. Talk to your baby frequently because, by the time baby is born, the baby can know your voice. Baby is waiting on your every word in the meantime.

  1. Sleep with your baby 

If possible, place a cot close to or attached to your bed so your baby can sleep together. This will simplify feedings at night and reduce your new baby’s discomfort. Sleeping close to your baby will add more benefits and strengthen your bond. When they sense you close, babies usually behave much more calmly and sleep well.

  1. Gentle infant massage

Is it essentialto do a massage for your baby? Of course, yes. According to studies, massage helps moms recover from postpartum depression, helps babies cope with stress, and increases the connection between parents and children. 

  1. Respond to your baby’s cries

Your baby needs to know you are there for them, especially during the first three months of life and picking them up when they cry helps establish that trust. If you decide to sleep train your baby, then assure you that you won’t be spoiling them.

  1. Dance with your baby

Try dancing around the room while your baby watches if you don’t feel like singing. Since it causes your body to create feel good hormones, this can be a fantastic stress reliever. If your baby is sad or exhausted, dancing with them close to you can be quite calming, but if your baby is in a fun mood, they might like being spun about, jiggled around, and flipped over. Moving your baby about also helps states to ensure your arms a little, which is beneficial.

  1. Have an eye to eye contact

By making eye contact and closely analyzing your face, your baby can communicate with you meaningfully. Baby will begin by trying to mimic your actions and facial expressions from an early age. The best method to start an open conversation with each other is to spend lots of time face to face.

  1. Continue little routines

Babies enjoy routines and repetition. They feel more secure because of all the craziness in their lives. You can learn your baby’s likes and dislikes by seeing her facial expressions, movements, and reactions. You can also know how the baby likes to be handled and what sounds make her respond. Make it a regular part of your routine after you have found something that works.

  1. Give attention and kisses

Turning down the outside world and giving your newborn love and care is perhaps the simplest method to build a bond with the baby. Enjoy these sweet moments when you kiss every toe, and smile a thousand times. It is impossible to spoil a newborn with too much love and attention so that you can do it. It will make you happier, calmer, and more confident.

  1. Bonding during Breastfeed Time

You can pay close attention to your baby while breastfeeding. You brush your fingers through their hair, feeling the warmth and softness of their head. They also feel incredibly loved. Enjoy the satisfaction of observing your baby’s half-closed eyelids as they quietly drift off to sleep in your arms. During these priceless times, you should be attentive and at the moment to enjoy all these little things. 

  1. Tummy time

Tummy time refers to allowing your baby to spend some time each day resting on your stomach. Your baby benefits from developing the muscles necessary for sitting and crawling. Starting tummy time early is possible by placing your newborn on your chest. Try tummy time on the floor with your baby when your baby is ready.

Tummy time with your baby is a wonderful time to play together. Laying on the floor while talking to them and encouraging them to walk around might work. If you want to encourage them to reach out and eventually crawl toward toys, try placing some nearby. Tummy time should only be performed when you are present to monitor your baby, and they are awake and alert.

  1. Treat your child as a priority

The dependency on technology, as well as the already present differences between parents and children, won’t disappear anytime soon. In order to help your children develop a sense of attachment, as a parent, you must understand and adopt an ongoing strategy. In this, you need to prioritize your children. When the baby in issue needs you, you should be there for them. You also need to be sensitive to all of his worries. Usually, when you are preoccupied with your own social lives, you may ignore their kids, which is wrong. Therefore, how you treat your child will affect how close of a bond you have. In order to connect with your child in the way he prefers, you should treat your baby as a priority.

  1. Give your child their own space 

Although there may be a strong link between you and your child, you must realize that every person needs their own space, including children. Assure that you respect your child’s privacy so that he can feel relaxed and at ease. Giving him a good bedroom is just one aspect of space; you also need to make sure your kid has plenty of time to be alone. The child will experience confinement and pressure if you do not do that. The space your child needs must be given by you.

  1. Make feeding time and bath time

If you have the time, your baby’s bath time might become a regular part of your schedule. Whether you are feeding or not, the same holds for when your baby is eating. Despite the fact that these are simple tasks, if you use them effectively, you and your baby will develop a close bond. Massage and playtime can be included when bathing your baby. Keep eye-to-eye contact with your baby when you are feeding. Even 10 minutes of quality time with your baby can make a big difference, no matter how busy your schedule is.

  1. Wake up time

You should always be keen to notice as soon as the baby gets up. You need to do three things you create a strong bond, and they are:

Eye contact: Make eye contact and say good morning while smiling widely and asking how their night was.

Skin contact: Hug, kiss, and cuddle her with warmth and affection.

Facial Expressions: Saying with a wide smile that the day will be excellent for both and that they are cherished.

Before you begin the other morning rituals of changing diapers, brushing your teeth, etc., take a little pause and set a positive tone for the day. It will only take 5 minutes. These are important steps for building a strong bond with your baby since a newborn child requires proper and comfortable sleep for them.

Bottom Line

The most important thing you should remember when trying to bond with your newborn is that you are enough. You are already actively building a bond with your baby by paying close attention to their daily needs. The constant comfort you give your baby gives way to a lifetime of self-assurance and respect. So you can create a strong bond by considering the above-listed 20 ways.  

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